Start Grow Protect Your Brand With Ease!

Legal does not have to be complicated. Whether you’re looking to protect your brand with a trademark, start your LLC, or make sure you get paid with a contract we make the process seamless and easy.
No more Googling.
No more DIY.
No more trying to figure it out on your own.
All it does is cause you to be overwhelmed and you have enough on your plate already. Leave the legal in the hands of an experienced attorney so you can grow your business with peace of mind knowing your business is protected the right way.
Are you ready to start, grow, protect your brand?

Areas of Practice
see what our clients are saying
"it finally clicked....I found my niche"
In September of 2020, after years of practicing criminal law, I realized it wasn’t fulfilling, and my true purpose, or serving my clients in the way they deserved. It was hard for me to let criminal law go because I've always wanted to be a criminal defense attorney (Cue Johnnie Cochran) I felt like I was giving up on my people, but I just wasn't happy.
So, I decided to try something different. I decided to focus on business law and trademarks, totally falling in love! I’m excited to serve people every single day! I’m proud that I’m still helping my people!
I get to provide cultural-centric legal representation that Black women and other marginalized people deserve but don’t receive at other firms. I am finally on the right path!
Danielle Brent Bownes

finding my true purpose…